CERTIFIED MASTER HOME INSPECTOR - CMI® Certified Master Inspectors® are the best home inspectors in the world. Dedicated to education and enhancing their field, CMI's are tested and awarded their certification by the Master Inspector Certification Board. HOME IMPROVEMENT: FROM THE NAILS OUT Erik has personally evaluated, improved, or managed the improvement of over 10,000 homes. After being in Home Improvement over 30 years, he truly knows houses - from the nails out and from the roof in. RECOGNIZING DECONSTRUCTION Erik's home inspection knowledge combined with his construction ability taught him a unique skill: recognizing DEconstruction. That is, houses tell stories: they give subtle signals when things are about to go wrong... and after looking at over 10,000 homes, Erik knows how to read those signals. As a result, he doesn't just see problems that exist right now -- he sees problems that will occur if nothing is done to prevent them. He sees the parts of houses that are DEconstructing. He reads the warning signs - and can see the systemic problems others miss. |